Cover Letter
Some organisations request a cover letter to go along with your CV within the application. It is always beneficial to include one even if not requested to do so.
The Cover Letter gives you the opportunity to expand upon and to emphasize points which you may be able to refer to only briefly in your CV or application form. It allows you to sell yourself as an individual. a good Cover Letter can be a powerful weapon - a poor Cover Letter may send your application to the bin.
Ensure that you do your background research so that you can tailor your letter to this organisiation and job.
A bland, neutral letter does not impress and there are a variety of sources of information to find out about the employers, for example their company webiste.
Tips for writing a Cover Letter
Present yourself in a positive and confident light.
Don't refer to your current or previous employer in a negative way.
Take care with spelling, punctuation and phrasing.
Letters should always be to the point and not ramble. However, they do allow you to mesh what you want to say about yourself with the qualities and experience the post seeks.
Do not play all your cards in your letter, you need to keep some detail back for the interview, otherwise the interviewers may feel that there is no greater depth to you than was seen in your letter.
Think of your Cover Letter as part of a selling process, it should outline;
Why you feel you are suited to the role.
Cross referring to your CV and Application form.
Enthusing about the opportunities provided by the post.
The iPort Academy offers free support with writing Cover Letters if you would like some support to aid with your applications.